FLOUR Testing Equipment
Calibre has a range of testing products for measuring and monitoring flour quality. These specialist instruments are designed for both laboratory and production environments. If you want more details about any of these products, contact our team by emailing info@calibrecontrol.com
Our range of flour testing equipment includes the Perten IM9520 flour analyser. Routine analysis is essential for ensuring flour quality in all baked products in a busy production line or intake store .The IM9250 provides the perfect solution for both laboratory and at-line analysis of flour and semolina in under 30 seconds.
Make sure you can accurately gauge your grain with one of our specialist cereal grain protein assessment tools.
Browse our range of protein testing equipment.
The Perten DoughLab is a laboratory instrument used to analyse the mixing properties of flour dough, primarily measuring its water absorption capacity, dough development time, and other key characteristics.
The DoughLab is an industry recognised and approved testing method for dough quality and water absorption methods.
For testing inorganic or mineral content in flour, we have a range of NIR-based instruments and add-ons. This equipment gives you rapid flour testing capability. It is an easy-to-use and versatile solution to testing for ash in wheat flour as well as rye and semolina.
Ash content in flour is an indicator of its milling performance because ash is mainly concentrated in a flour’s bran. It can also affect the colour of finished baked products. Darker products tend to have a higher ash content.
Much of the fibre found in concentrations in wheat flour is in bran layers, making the Perten DA 7250 NIR analyser the ideal instrument for measuring fibre content.
This spectroscopic technique analyses the sample rapidly, producing easily readable, reliable data in just seconds. It requires little or no sample preparation.
Flour needs a certain amount of the Alpha Amylase enzyme to break down starches, provide sugars for fermentation and to achieve satisfactory bread volumes. But, if the levels are too high, it can produce stickier, harder-to-manage doughs.
The effective test for alpha amylase in flour is Falling Number (FN).
This testing equipment is safe, fast and easy to use.
Browse our Flour mycotoxin testing range for your grain. We provide the market leading Charm Mycotoxin system, the EZ-M Reader is an automatic testing platform for the mycotoxin test strips but smaller grain stores can be accommodated also. Simply insert the strip into the reader, pipette your sample, and wait for the result. We stock the ROSA Mycotoxin test strips and all consumables to ensure the most accurate results.
The tests we provide allow you to test DON, Zearalenone, Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin and other toxins such as T2/HT2 and Fumonisin.
Measuring flour’s starch properties is important because both damaged and undamaged starch content will influence the quality of the dough that mixing a flour produces.
You measure starch content in flour using an amylograph test. The amylograph assesses flour quality, testing for the gelatinisation of starch and measuring enzyme activity.
The baking properties of flour include its colour, water absorption, stability and extensibility of the dough it produces.
There are rapid, effective tests for all these baking properties, using advanced but easy-to-use instruments.
These include: the C-Cell range for testing the structure and crumb colour; the extensograph to measure dough elasticity and stretch resistance; and NIR measuring instruments.
We provide innovative inspection systems used for grain analysis and seed inspection, our range of Grain Inspection Systems are innovative magnification systems from TAGARNO; offering super-magnified views of even the smallest details in grain samples.
We provide grain inspection equipment to help you make sure the grain you’re buying is up to your desired standard or contaminants such as insects or stones are detected with ease.