Did you know that stress shifts your cattle's metabolism into survival mode?

Stress may lead to decreasing weight gain and feed conversion. Stress is a major obstacle keeping the cattle industry from becoming a more profitable endeavor. You can overcome stress with FerAppease.

The active ingredient of FerAppease is a synthetic analogue of the Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (mBAS). mBAS is a naturally occurring substance that is secreted by the skin of the mammary gland of lactating animals.

FerAppease is not classed as a medicinal product and does not require a prescription from a veterinary practice.



based on science!

Discover the natural benefits of FerAppease for improved cattle growth and well-being. FerAppease was founded by Rodrigo Bicalho, founder of FERA, in the USA after many years of research to provide the safest and non-toxic solution for maintaining levels of calm in cattle. Rodrigo and a team of scientists patented the technology, and with successful trials in the USA have expanded globally to support animal welfare worldwide.

Calibre are proud to be the UK distriburor of FerAppease, and along with the below list of wholesalers, work alongside vets and farmers to maintain cattle calmness within the UK. Ensuring cattle stay calm during stressor points (human intervention activities) brings a whole host of added benefits to the cattle, farmer and vet.

FerAppease Medicine for Topical Use in Cattle
  • The active ingredient of FerAppease is a synthetic analogue of the Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (mBAS). MBAS is naturally secreted by the sebaceous gland located on the skin of the mammary gland with the unique function of inducing an appeasing effect on the nursing offspring.

    FerAppease is topically applied, and the active ingredient (mBAS) is assimilated by the vomeronasal gland located in the nose of the animals. The MBAS stimulation of the vomeronasal gland desensitizes regions of the amygdala and the hypothalamus.

  • FerAppease can and should be used every time animals are exposed to management and physiological stressors where suppression of threat perception is desirable. i.e. weaning, dehorning, castration, branding, transportation, commingling, vaccination, parturition, interruption of lactation (dry off), breeding, etc.

  • No, FerAppease does not require a veterinarian's prescription or a Veterinary Feed Directive plan as it is not a medicinal product.





We started using FerAppease on arrival as high stress period mixing young calves sourced from multiple farms and markets.
I apply FerAppease on arrival and at weaning, prior to moving from the milk shed. We are also applying when calves leave the farm to help with the stress when changing units.
The calves are much quieter, show less stress in the pens after arrival and seem to take to the milk machine teats much more easily.
— Farmer, Devon, UK


Areas FerAppease can be used:

  • Disbudding

  • Weaning

  • Dehorning or Castration

  • TB Testing

  • Mixing / Changing Groups

  • Entering Transition

  • Calving

  • Moving Store Cattle

  • Housing Stock

  • Haulage

  • Pre-Slaughter Handing

  • Heifers


Wholesalers Supplying FerAppease:


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